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Windows Phone 7, vediamo come la pensano le maggiori testate specialistiche

Uscito anche nel mercato Americano, iniziano ad arrivare i primi commenti dalle maggiori testate giornalistiche, vediamo di farne un riassunto.

“Windows Phone 7 is good. Really good. It has the raw components needed to build a great smartphone.”
Pc Magazine:
“Windows Phone 7 seeks to step away the barriers between you and you information, almost from the very first click. …Microsoft is clearly – and finally – heading in the right mobile direction.”
“Welcome back into the smartphone arena Microsoft, it looks like you have a serious challenger entering the ring and I will definitely be purchasing a device as soon as I can.”
“Just to put this in perspective, it’s somewhat astonishing that Microsoft has actually produced something this different from their previous work. Think about what you’ve seen in previous versions of WM. It’s a bit nuts.”
“Microsoft has finally caught up with the competition by delivering a clean, socially-connected interface and implementing features like multitouch and the beautiful Zune media player. Paired with excellent hardware partners like HTC and Samsung, I think Windows 7 phones have some great potential-if the software behaves.”
“My earlier suspicions about the mobile OS are more or less correct; it’s different and quite nice. Over the years Microsoft has built a number of successful individual products (Bing, Xbox Live, Zune). You could say that Windows Phone 7 is a lot like Voltron. (Yeah, I went there.) The individual pieces are cool in and of themselves but when combined it morphs into a kick-ass sword-wielding robot that’s ready to slay the beast.”
“Who the hell did Microsoft hire to make this keyboard? Because whatever they’re being paid, they deserve a raise…I’ve got no idea what sort of sorcery Microsoft used to build this thing, but it rocks.”

Le principali testate sono tutti concordi che sia un prodotto diverso da quello che offre il mercato, questa volta Microsoft ha cercato di creare un sistema operativo completamente diverso e che al primo contatto da una buona sensazione.
Un pò tutti dicono che questo è solo un primo passo, ora devono arrivare le applicazioni, ed aggiornamenti che completano l’ottimo lavoro fatto.
In definitiva il sistema convince, ma deve crescere perchè la “guerra” agli smartphone è appena iniziata e gli avversari sono forti.

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